Last Tour to Rhön Region

The last (little longer) Tour für 2018 will takes us to Hotel Sturm into the Rhön Region. On Sonday at best weather conditions we drove both MT’s from Bielefeld to Mellrichstad which is about 300km  of distance. Two wonderful nights in the “Organic Hotel” Sturm with a great Wellness Area included. Relaxing.

That was really necessary, because the ride back is really rough. Temperatures between 3-8°C and rain making the ride difficult and long. I really regret that i did not already equip the MT with the heatable gloves. But this is going to change rapidly!

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After a long Year with terrible coughing and bad driving experience Silke smiles again. One Year, where the MT was bucking, sometimes did not respond at all to release very rough the power. Sometimes the bike was dying at low RPM.

Reason for all that was a little Potentiometer, which determines the Position of the throttle. (Ride-by-Wire concept). In some Forums and on Facebook people complained about the bucking, however we could not find any hints that this beasty Poti could cause all that trouble.

Ride-by-Wire Trouble at the MT09

At the Weekend we had best weather to test the …

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A Gimbal

Sorry, what?

Well, i just bought a Gimbal. For those who have no clue what i am talking about: A gimbal is a technical device that keeps a camera stable. With the gimbal i hope to get a new camera perspective at the race track.

I decided for the WG2 from Feyiu Tech, because the price is just really good. The first impression after unpacking the WG2 is, that it looks like a top-quality product. The supporting arms are mad of black (anodized?) metal. The gimbal just has one button to switch on/off and offers some other functions as well.…

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New Mounting Stand now ready to use!

The idea is basically pretty cool – unfortunately in the real world there is a lack of quality. The mounting stand itself is very stable. But when it was delivered, there was a  wrong item and after i complained and got the correct one the accuracy of the bore holes on the baseplate is really bad.

With a little bit of crafting is was able to change that and now the entire bike – including  the front tire is lifted off the ground. WIth this the bike can be balanced easily in the Garage – …

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Neues Spielzeug

The MT received a new gadget before the first inspection.

In order to track my routes i am using already a GPS Logger / Tracker in the Hornet. However underneath the MT dress it is so damn tight that even a box of cigarettes might not fit in. For this reason i was looking for a smaller alternative. Finally i found the GPS Logger 2, which was basically designed for airplane modell-building applications. Since the MT09 is a low flying vehicle i am convinced that i did not misapply this little gandget.

Biggest Advantage: This Logging Tool is small, really …

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Frühstück am Morgen…

Gestern Abend gab es noch “Alle Daumen hoch” für den Urlaubsexpress – (fast) pünktlich, gute Kommunikation am Bahnsteig und gaaanz wichtig: Lademeister war vorhanden und die Moppeds wurden aufgeladen.

Über Nacht haben wir uns dann Verspätung wegen unerwarteter Streckensperrungen eingefahren – gegen viertel vor sieben sind wir dann an der italienischen Grenze ins Bordrestaurant zum “Schlemmerfrühstück” geschlendert.

Ab hier beginnt dann eine Chronologie des Grauens!

Das Servicepersonal hat das Frühstück so gar nicht im Griff – der O-Saft kommt noch kurz vor sieben zügig an den Platz, aber Kaffee und Tee wollen nicht erscheinen. Nach einer halben Stunde sind dann …

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Einmal mit dem neuen Mopped warm werden – daher auf zum Heidbergring um, wie jedes Jahr, ein Kurventraining mit der Zweiradakademie zu absolvieren.

Da die MT09 ja ein voll einstellbares Fahrwerk besitzt, sollte auch Thomas einmal Hand anlegen um die Karre vernünftig einzustellen.

Aber zunächst einmal ab auf den Rundkurs und schauen, wie sich die MT09 bewegen lässt. Das mir das Fahrwerk zu hart ist, wusste ich ja schon. Aber das die Karre in sportlicher Schräglage zum Springbock wird, hätte ich nicht erwartet. Außerdem raspelt die MT in Schräglage an den Motorschützern rum – das ich nach nur einem Turn …

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